2017 New Year Bookish Resolutions
Luna & Saturn
December 26, 2016
Today’s post is going to be our New Year’s Bookish resolutions (aka 2017 To-be-read list). Some of these books will be for Uma K’s 👥Fantastically Diverse👥 read-a-thon. It’s - to put it in a nutshell - a read-a-thon that embraces diverse books, and we’ll try our best to finish it. For more details on the read-a-thon, click the picture or copy the URL below.
This is just a small list of our personal choices for 2017, and they’re mostly finishing off series. We’ll give a little of our thoughts on each one (following pictures are all from Goodreads):
🐉 A Dance With Dragons by George R.R. Martin: Game of Thrones is amazing. That’s all there is to it. Waiting for our 18th birthday to roll around to catch up on the TV series as well.
🔥 Burn by Julianna Baggott: It’s the final book in the Pure trilogy and some reviewers have been saying it’s bittersweet, so we’re bracing ourselves for some serious emotions here.
✨ Their Fractured Light by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner: Final book in the Starbound triology, and we can’t wait to read it!
🏪 The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter: It’s a short story collection (some fairy tale re-tellings) and our teacher recommended this to us, plus many authors say it is amazing, so we’re looking out for this book.
http://bookreviewsbydi.blogspot.com.au/2016/12/review-edge-of-everything-jeff-giles.html |
🌄 The Edge of Everything by Jeff Giles: Sarah J. Maas (we quite like her books) describes Giles as “awesome and hilarious” in her latest newsletter so we hope his book is like his personality as well! Di gave a nice rating to it as well, so we shouldn't go wrong here.
https://amagicalworldofwords.blogspot.com.au/2016/12/sisters-red-by-jackson-pearce.html |
🐺 Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce: We absolutely love fairy tale retellings and AmyNikita gave a really strong rating for this book so it seems to be really good.
https://booksbagsburgers.blogspot.com.au/2016/12/review-empties-glitches-2-by-ramona-finn.html |
💻 The Glitch by Ramona Finn: Uma K (creator of Fantastically Diverse) absolutely loved The Empties (book #2) so we figure we have to start out with book one first. We getting the Pure-triology-vibe from this book so we’re looking forward to it.
As you may be able to tell, we’re so glad we picked up blogging because the blogger community really is helpful in shaping TBR lists!
And this is the list of books we’ll be trying to read for Uma’s Fantastically Diverse read-a-thon. Here are the seven books we’ll try to read for the seven categories:
⚔ PoC: Othello by William Shakespeare: We might be taking this a little literally, but we’ll try for a bit more diverse genre of books including a play.
🗾 Myth and Retelling: I Am Anjuhimeko by Hiromi Ito: This is a short story translating a Japanese myth and it seems really cool.
💖 LGBTQ Protagonist: The Flywheel by Erin Gough: This is a YA contemporary which was shortlisted for the 2016 Inky Awards.
🏯 PoC Cast: Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff: It’s Jay Kristoff, how could we not?
⛅️ Diverse Middle-grade fantasy: The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan: We’ve already read this, but re-reading it would be really nice. We think there’s absolutely nothing wrong with re-reading books, and it’s enjoyable because you usually pick up things you missed before!
🐦 Disabled characters: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo: The title cover looks absolutely stunning, so it’s what we pick for this genre. Thanks to Uma for giving a list to help people out for TBR ideas!
⭐️ From our own TBR: The Midnight Star by Marie Lu: Marie is a diverse author, which we hope still fulfills the read-a-thon requirements.
And finally, out last bookish resolution is to be more active on Goodreads - we’re always forgetting to post reading updates etc on it.
Sorry for the long post, thanks for reading, and a Happy New Year everyone!!!!! 🎆🎆